Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have never used Wiki and I did not know how to use it. I checked every tools in the navigation menu to get a little more familiar with it.  
In order to contribute to our class wiki, I have made some research on some topics I am interested about or that I can relate to. 
As one of my goal is to start my business, I am particularly interested in entrepreneurship. 
As a contributions to Wiki, I have read Professor Pearl Weisel's article about entrepreneurship and edited it. I found it very interesting. Professor Weisel mentioned some artists. Therefore, I added another artist, 50 cent. I talked about how successful he became using his popularity and fame. 
I will add more contributions regarding the topics I am familiar and that passionate me.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure your contribution is related to our topic of New Media.
