Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have never used Wiki and I did not know how to use it. I checked every tools in the navigation menu to get a little more familiar with it.  
In order to contribute to our class wiki, I have made some research on some topics I am interested about or that I can relate to. 
As one of my goal is to start my business, I am particularly interested in entrepreneurship. 
As a contributions to Wiki, I have read Professor Pearl Weisel's article about entrepreneurship and edited it. I found it very interesting. Professor Weisel mentioned some artists. Therefore, I added another artist, 50 cent. I talked about how successful he became using his popularity and fame. 
I will add more contributions regarding the topics I am familiar and that passionate me.

Blog: P2P


File Sharing is a practice of offering access to digital information like computer programs.
Using file sharing, enable users to share data from one computer to another. 
Similarly, it provides advantages and it makes it " efficient for the users to work on documents regardless of their location or computer access", according to "P2P fils sharing" article.

Similarly, a new technology has emerged, called P2P. P2P stands for a peer to peer file sharing. It allows users to share digital content such as electronic books, movies or music. P2P files sharing allow users to search and download files being shared by other computers. The P2P file sharing also allows its users to download files such as movies or tv show for free.

As an example of many P2Ps sharing file, as cited in the article, Gnutella, is one of the most well-known P2P network. Moreover, to download music and movies, BitTorren, Utorrent or even Emule are others file sharing software.